ASSAI Family Day Padua – 13th October 2018

ASSAI Family Day Padua – 13th October 2018

Date: 24 Oct, 2018  No Comments

ASUK were kindly invited by Pietro Maffei, the president of ASSAI (Association of Alström Italy) to their family day on 13th October 2018. This was a wonderful event that we feel very grateful to have been part of. It was an excellent opportunity to share some of the knowledge we have developed in the UK and provide information about our multi-disciplinary clinics. It was also helpful for us to meet some of the Italian AS patients and their families and learn about their experience of the condition and how they deal with it on a day-to-day basis. We listened to stories about how, despite the challenges they face, they have achieved amazing successes both from a personal and academic perspective – they are truly remarkable and without doubt an inspiration for us all!
ASUK will keep in touch with ASSAI and continue to share information and work together to improve our knowledge enabling us to better support individuals and their families in the future. A snapshot of the day is captured in the montage below!