Team Detail

Profile Details

  • Full Name:Mokey Yates
  • Expertise Area:ASUK Trustee

Mokey, recently retired from her job at Ernst & Young (EY) Global. A Chartered Accountant based in London, her role involved developing policies and methodologies that are used by EY’s audit teams around the world.


Mokey grew up in South Africa, where she met Marina Valenti, from AS Italy school. They are lifelong friends, despite now living in different countries – Marina in Italy and Mokey in England.  Marina, whose daughter has AS, introduced Mokey to Ann Chivers, and, as a result, Mokey is now looking forward to joining the Board of Trustees, and hopes she can help to further the aims of ASUK. Mokey has also assisted with the ASEU accounts, her financial experience and knowledge will be invaluable in supporting the Board.


Mokey is married to Roger, and they have two children and two grandchildren. Besides babysitting her grandchildren as often as possible, Mokey loves walking in the countryside, dancing (ballroom, Latin and ballet), building dolls houses and reading.  She moved to rural Northamptonshire in 2018, where she enjoys the wonderful birds and abundant wildlife of the Nene Valley, as well as the flowers, fruit and vegetables that Roger grows in their garden.